Monday, June 19, 2006

"New" Old Photos

Hello all!

Things are going pretty good here on the old homestead. Caleb and Gregory just finished up their baseball for the season. They did ok when they were able to play this season (Lots of Rainouts!), but they lost back to back games in the tournament. They played their hearts out, so I was proud of them.

For those of you that have been following us outside the homepage, we are still using only one vehicle. We should be able to get the car fixed in the next several weeks. It's been hard on Debbie going without regular transportation at her disposal, and I thank all of our friends for being so good to us in the meantime. We love you all.

Anyway, I was recently clearing out some old boxes and found some old photo albums that came from my Mom's. I decided to scan them in and for the heck of it put them in the photo album. The first group I've got up is from 1979 and 1980 it appears (which would have made me about 11-12). Family will enjoy the old pics, and friends will have something to hang over my head now (HA HA!)

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