Saturday, February 03, 2007

Update - February 2007

Hello all, and a Happy New year to one and all. I know it's been a while since I've updated anything, so I thought I'd send a shout out to let all know how things are going.

2006 was a good year overall. Joey became our first "double-digit" child, as on December 17, Joey turned 10 years old. 10 YEARS OLD! Do you know what this means? It means it's only a mere 6 years before he starts begging me for the keys to the family roadster! I'm not sure I can deal with this. The last 6 years went by way too quickly.

I'm not sure how many of you have heard of what I'm about to tell you about, but the Jones children think that this is the best and coolest thing to do. Currently all three boys are involved in what is known as "Speed Stacking". Now for those of you who have never heard of this phenomenon, Speed Stacking is a competitive event in which participants try to stack cups as fast as they can. These are no ordinary cups either. It is a necessity to buy the cups regulated by the Speed Stacking association, along with the proper mat in order to stack your cups on, as well as a timing device to time just how fast you can stack and unstack the cups. There are many other accessories that are available to assist you in your Speed Stacking abilities.

{Pausing to allow you all to stop laughing before continuing}

Yes. I am telling you the truth. Apparently this is the latest thing for kids. The boys really get into this. They are currently working to get registered for the regional competition, which is taking place in Miamisburg in April. Kids and parents will be coming from all over the midwest to compete. The boys are in a group of their friends (who got them interested in this). They are very excited.

Not to leave out the girls, they are doing fine as well. They are enjoying all the fun stuff that girls enjoy. They were very excited at Christmas, when they got several new dress-up costumes and jewelry, as well as new ballet outfits and slippers. They enjoy being girls.

We adults are fairing well, as well. As of the end of January, Xerox has taken the opportunity to close down the helpdesk that I (Patrick) have been employed with for 6 years. It was a bitter-sweet goodbye for everyone. This has given me the opportunity (read: kick in the pants) to get my business going. I'm doing what I've been doing for Xerox, plus some hands-on customer relations: Computer repair and support. I figure with the severence package from Xerox, I've got about 3 months to "make it or break it". My plans are to make it, as I'm tired of making money for others. It's time to make it for myself. If interested in my business, please check out my website at Referrals are always welcome :)

I guess that's about it for now. Be on the lookout for new pictures posted in the Photo Album. I should have some new stuff up soon. TTFN!

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